Term Life

Assurity Term Life Insurance provides your clients with fast, affordable level term life insurance coverage with living benefits. You can customize coverage with in-demand options like the Endowment Benefit Rider (Return of Premium). Get the highlight sheet

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Product Details

  • Term Periods: 10, 15, 20 or 30 years
  • Issue Ages: 18-75, depending on selected term period
  • Guaranteed Renewable
  • Issue Amounts: $25,000 – $10 million; Accelerated underwriting up to $1 million (ages 18-50); Up to $500,000 (ages 51-65)
  • Convertibility: Convertible to permanent coverage*
  • Guaranteed Renewability

Target Markets

  • Young Families
  • Established Families
  • Millennials
  • Business Owners
  • People with a mortgage

Underwriting made easy

With Accelerated Underwriting, all applicants are considered for approval at the time of application without further underwriting; not all will qualify. For those who don’t receive instant approval, Accelerated Underwriting seamlessly transitions their applications into a more traditional underwriting process for the same product with the same available premium classes.

Underwriting Classes

  • Non-Tobacco – Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard
  • Tobacco – Preferred, Standard

Accelerated underwriting and instant decision available for those that qualify

Common factors that require additional underwriting (See AssureLINK for full list of factors):

  • History of bankruptcy
  • Prior felony conviction
  • High-risk hobbies or activities

*Conversion period begins on the issue date and ends on the earlier of: one year prior to the end of the level term period for 10-year plan; or, two years prior to the end of the level term period on 15-, 20-, or 30-year plans or, policy anniversary on which the insured attains age 65

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Give your clients fast, accessible coverage for accidental deaths - it's an affordable alternative or supplement to life insurance coverage with an easy application and fast issue times. Plus, Assurity's Accidental Death Insurance Plus features unique coverage periods for further customization. Get the highlight sheet

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Product Highlights

  • Coverage Periods: Guaranteed renewable to age80; or term periods of 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years
  • Issue Ages: 18-70, depending on selected coverage period
  • Benefit Amounts: $5,000 - $350,000

Target Markets

  • Young adults
  • People who don't qualify for traditional life insurance
  • People searching for supplemental coverage

Underwriting made easy

Get underwriting decisions fast with a simplified application and fast policy issue. The application has no health questions plus a one-day guarantee for qualified e-apps.

Underwriting Classes

  • Male/Female; unismoke

No medical exams

Income Protection

Income Protection Individual Disability Income Insurance provides highly flexible disability insurance, with options for both Accident & Sickness and Accident-Only coverage. It also features wide selections of benefit and elimination periods, in-demand riders like the Stay-at-Home Spouse Rider and consideration for multiple incomes. Get the highlight sheet

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Product Highlights

  • Coverage Options: Accident & Sickness or Accident-Only
  • Issue Ages: 18-60, age last birthday as of issue date
  • Occupation Classes: 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A
  • Maximum Weekly Benefits: $50 - $600 weekly for self-employed or commissioned salesperson; $50 - $1,000 for W-2 employees
  • Benefit Periods: 13-week, 26-week, 1-year, 2-year
  • Elimination Periods: 0, 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on selected coverage and benefit period

Target Markets

  • Gig workers and freelancers
  • Young Families
  • Families with a stay-at-home spouse
  • People searching for short-term disablity coverage

Underwriting made easy

Get underwriting decisions fast – all applicants are considered for approval at the time of application. If they’re not instantly approved, they’ll seamlessly transition to traditional underwriting.

Underwriting Classes

  • Accident & Sickness Coverage: Non-Tobacco, Tobacco
  • Accident-Only Coverage: Uni-Tobacco

No income verification

No medical exams

Century+ Disability Income Insurance

Century+ Disability Income Insurance pays a monthly benefit to help protect the loss of income in case of a disabling illness or injury. It provides guaranteed renewable long-term DI coverage with a robust selection of built-in benefits and optional riders. Get the highlight sheet

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Product Highlights

  • Issue Ages: 18-60, age nearest birthday
  • Occupation Classes: 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A
  • Maximum Weekly Benefits: From $8,000 to $20,000, depending on occupation class
  • Guaranteed Renewability: To age 65 or 67, conditionally renewable to age 75
  • Elimination Periods: 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days1
  • Benefit Periods: 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, to-age-65 or to-age-671

Target Markets

  • Middle income occupations
  • Families with children
  • People living paycheck-to-paycheck

Underwriting made easy

Underwriting Classes

  • Male/Female, Tobacco/Non-Tobacco, age-specific

No income verification up to $6,000, $4,000 for self-employed or 1099 employees

No medical exams for benefit amounts up to $6,000 for ages 18-55, and up to $4,500 for ages 56-60

  1. Elimination period and benefit period options vary by age and coverage selected.

Critical Illness

Assurity’s Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump-sum cash benefit upon diagnosis of a covered illness or procedure. Clients can use the money however they wish – for day-to-day expenses or to help cover deductibles, treatments, or other bills. You can customize coverage with a wide selection of optional riders like the Return of Premium Rider. Get the highlight sheet

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Product Details

  • Issue Ages: 18-70, age last birthday
  • Benefit Amounts: $5,000 – $75,000
  • 11 Covered Conditions: include cancer, heart attack1, stroke, advanced Alzheimer’s, organ transplant, kidney failure and more
  • Multi-Benefit Payout: pays on each covered condition with a 6-month separation period2
  • Guaranteed Renewable for Life3

Target Markets

  • Complement to high-deductible health plans
  • Mortgage protection solution
  • Stay-at-home Parents
  • Business Owners

Underwriting made easy

Get your business on the books faster and easier with simplified underwriting and instant decision.

Underwriting Classes

  • Male/Female; Non-Tobacco and Tobacco

No medical exams

  1. Heart attack does not include established (old) myocardial infarction occurring prior to the issue date, sudden cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest or cardiopulmonary arrest.
  2. Additional critical illness cannot be caused or contributed to by a critical illness for which benefits have been paid.
  3. Reduced Benefit After Age 70 – On the policy anniversary immediately following the later of the insured’s 70th birthday, or three years from the policy’s issue date, the policy benefit amount will be automatically reduced by 50 percent. This will be the benefit amount available for the remaining years the policy is in force

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance pays a benefit to your clients when they suffer an accident or injury, complementing existing coverage and helping to reduce gaps. Money is paid directly to your clients and they can use the benefit for whatever they need. Customize coverage further with built-in and optional riders like the Accidental Death Rider, which pays a benefit if your client dies in a covered accident Get the highlight sheet

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Product Details

  • Issue Ages: Primary Insured Person and Spouse – ages 18-70; Child – 15 days through 17 years; as the Primary Insured Person or a dependent
  • Coverage Options: 24-hour or off-the-job
  • Plans and Benefit Amounts:
    • Multiple plans to fit different needs and budgets
    • Coverage for families, individuals or unique juvenile-only plans
    • Coverage benefits and benefit amounts vary by plan. See the benefit details.
  • Guaranteed Issue: No medical exams or tests to qualify

Target Markets

  • Young adults
  • Families with children
  • People with high deductible health plans
  • People searching for supplemental coverage

Underwriting made easy

Guaranteed issue coverage provides a fast application and decision with no medical exams or tests to qualify.

Underwriting Classes

  • Unisex, unismoke

No health questions

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